Welcome to your gateway to strategic growth. The Radical Leap Group specialises in bridging global opportunities through trade diplomacy, investment facilitation, and advisory services. With a network of trusted partners and deep geopolitical expertise, we empower organizations to thrive in a connected world. From navigating regulatory landscapes to forging impactful alliances, we deliver solutions that drive success.
Despite recent challenges, Sub-Saharan Africa witnessed a surge in investment deals in 2023, driven by strong interest in the region’s valuable commodities. Sub-Saharan Africa witnessed a surge in investment deals in 2023, driven by interest in valuable commodities Energy and mining sectors, particularly oil and gas and solid minerals, were hotspots for deal-making activity KPMG…
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Strategy consulting can be a huge investment for small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs). When investing in consulting SME business leaders — often boards, senior executives, or management — bring in an external company like ours to offer an outside, expert perspective on their business growth gaps and opportunities. Strategy consultants usually have considerable industry knowledge and are…
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The bad news is that leadership and conflict go hand-in-hand. The great news is that as a leader you can address conflict in a way that does not destroy team morale, employee engagement, healthy partnerships or your organization. “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” (John Maxwell) # [bctt tweet=”The bad news is that leadership &…
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Whether you are a solo-preneur, or a growing small-to-medium business, you may need support at one time or another and consider working with freelancers. Hiring full-time staff can be costly, and you likely do not need support all the time. Freelancers can provide cost-effective expertise that can help you increase the performance and productivity of…
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Service-based businesses often struggle to find the right pricing strategy that gives them a competitive edge in their market. Pricing for products is a little more straight forward. To make a profit you need to work out the cost of buying or making the product, and charge more than it cost to make it. Services…
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Despite rapid advancement in smart gadgets and apps that should help us get more done in less time, entrepreneurs are still seeking ways to increase efficiency and productivity for themselves and their teams. Gone are the days of fewer choices and quicker decisions. Simplicity has become complicated and we may have gotten ourselves into a …
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ScaleUp Africa is a dynamic women-led B2B Enterprise Education and Development Organisation offering advisory and growth support services to SMEs through Corporate Partnerships and Professional Networks of Venture Investors,Foundations, DFIs, Corporations and post-incubation, youth/women-led Small Businesses in Africa and the Diaspora. Late last year, The Radical Leap Company founder, Noreen Makosewe, talked to Amma Gyampo,…
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Most small-business owners do not consider themselves investors. However, the sweat-equity and financial investment that goes into launching and growing a business should qualify all parties involved as investors. Taking an idea from concept to launch, then driving it further to growth is no walk in the park even for the most seasoned business leader.…
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In my early leadership years I worried that vulnerability would hurt business. The perception I had back then was that effective leaders were stoic – enduring pain or hardship without showing feelings or complaining. What made the idea all the more ingrained was the harshness with which women in leadership positions, particularly black women or women…
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